The innate troll in me would just love the first female POTUS to be a Republican.

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Apr 8, 2023·edited Apr 8, 2023

OMG. Liz Cheney may be Conversative, but she is honest, a sane GOP member, and stood up to the MAGA crap. GOP voted her out for her "outspokenness" against MAGA crap. I hope GOP will hear her for a 2024 nomination. I doubt it. GOP just seems to favor discredited, convicted, negligent, delusional uneducated Q-following MAGA mouthpieces as potential runners. I was staunch GOP all my life as were my generations before me. My late, uber-GOP Dad would heartily support my switch to Dem. Dem now is what GOP used to claim to be.... FOR the people, the little guys, and not for big corporations who controlled Government, Current GOP aims to BE Big Government. Um. that's not the GOP of Lincoln. That's more like Communist Russia.

I know Liz is Conservative. I cannot be any longer. She reminds me though: For decades, I loved Uber Conservative John McCain for his honesty -- even while I vehemently stood against many of his views. Those views I DID agree with were the powerful ones that affected all Americans right away.. GOP leaders who have integrity can still represent us all... McCain worked across the aisle with Biden all the time, over decades!

Liz Cheney has does the same over her tenure, a la McCain. Don't let ignoramus Trump denigrate John McCain's incredible legacy as a stateman in USA . GOP though he was, he worked for a better America. With Dems, not against them. And don't let MAGA fools tell you Liz is not true GOP. She's one of the few true ones left. Uncle Joe would agree.

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If I thought that Cheney was a moderate republican, I would consider voting for her. The problem is I have no reason to believe that's the case. Even despite the fact she voted for impeachment.....and it cost her her job.

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So how about a Pence/cheney ticket? It would really force the traditional GOP to have their come to Jesus moment (no pun intended?), are they really a party about anger and violence? Or do they actually believe in policies that seek to improve the country?

If you look at voting records, ya know what politicians actually believe, cheney and pence both are more conservative than trump. Trumps rise has nothing to do with traditional conservatism and everything to do with the politics of grievance. This is a long way of saying I hope the right realizes that putting trump back in power ends up disastrously for our nation, and Pence/Cheney ticket really shows then all what politics by adults looks like.

All that being said I don’t know how viable that would be since the party apparatus is cratering under the weight of trumpism. 3rd party anyone ?

PS- a very small part of me hopes trump gets the nomination so we can whoop his ass again.

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I'd vote for Dick first. No homo.

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against tRump or deathSantis yes, against anyone else- hell no

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