In my lifetime, lots of things, from the banal - I used to think sports were totally stupid, but now I appreciate them for what they are and even enjoy watching games sometimes - to the existential (I used to think free will was a thing, now I think it’s just a useful illusion) to the social (I used to think white privilege was a ridiculous idea, now I think it’s self-evident to anyone who’s observant) to the political (I went from being pretty moderate when I was 18 - the only reason I would have voted for Gore instead of Bush was abortion - to very liberal - to a moderate liberal (throwing babies out with bathwater is unwise) with an authoritarian streak (would support Biden instituting price controls and using the military to put everyone that watches Fox News in death...er, happy camps...). I used to think Israel was good, now I think it’s very bad, but that has more to do with them changing than me. I used to be way more judgmental than I am today, seeing my own flaws.

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I don’t see the comment. The link to the Bulwark goes to a paywall.

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