Apr 26, 2022Liked by David Muccigrosso

If Biden is a one term president, I think the nation could do worse than Pence. Don’t get me wrong I believe he would still be the wrong move for our nation and potentially freedom of expression across the world but he is more of the devil we know. To me is closer to the George W. Bush GOP than the trump GOP.

We would hear a lot more about LGBT issues, abortion access and smaller government. Not sure where he would go on immigration, as not sure if he would build the wall or simply do nothing constructive like many republicans and some democrats. The biggest thing I could see with a Pence administration is that he seems less likely to want to blow the whole system up like trump attempted to do. As much as it saddens me to say, politics as they used to be, inefficient and corrupt, now seem like the good ole days.

I’m interested to see how the primaries go on the democratic side. Biden isn’t as much of a lock as incumbent presidents always are. His age is a factor we can’t ignore. Add that to the potential for an entirely new primary system and you could see things open wide for the Dems.

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Apr 26, 2022Liked by David Muccigrosso

Ok I had a thought, instead of voting in the primary for pence as the least worst option if the GOP wins the general election, why not take the opposite track? Vote for the most right wing trump-esque candidate under the assumption that the more conservative the eventual GOP candidate is, the better chance a democrat would win? Or is that playing with fire? Just an idea

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